To purchase your parking permit, 支付门票, 或者对罚单提出上诉, please visit the Business Services office in the Student Success Center.
  • Parking permits are required to park on campus. 这些是悬挂许可证,所以如果你有不止一辆车,你只需要购买一个许可证,只要确保它挂在你开到校园的车上.  的 parking permits are for one person only not to be shared.  Do not loan your permit to your friends or partners.  You are responsible for any tickets received on your parking permit.  停车场有标识,告诉你需要什么许可证.  This is for all paved and unpaved lots.  有 no 在Tech校园内,您可以无需许可证停车(参见附件中的详细停车地图). Tickets will be issued for no permit, parking in a lot other than the one on your permit, parking in a loading and or fire zone, no parking zones which are designated by diagonal stripes.
  • Please purchase your parking permit online by going to 我MTECH 在技术网页上. 登录,然后去“重要链接”,向下滚动,点击停车贴花.  Follow the directions when filling out the online form. 填写完资料后,选择用信用卡付款. We will then mail out your parking decal. 如果你没有信用卡支付,你可以在营业处用现金或支票支付.

    如果是3rd party sponsor is paying for your parking decal, choose pay in the Office and provide a receipt to the 业务办公室.

  • 许可证名称为“A”教职员工;“B”校外学生;“D”宿舍学生.
  • All yellow curbs and hatched areas are “NO PARKING” at any time. 打开闪光灯并不意味着在禁止停车区域停车是合法的.
  • All handicapped areas are Handicap Permit parking only.  If you have a handicapped permit, 你需要购买MT Tech的停车许可证,两者都要展示出来.  残障停车位旁边的阴影区域也是残障停车位,在那里停车的罚款是100美元.00.  If there are no handicapped parking spaces available, you may park in any of the Visitor parking spots.  如果你受伤的时间不超过30天,你可以在商务办公室拿一张残疾表格,由你的医生填写.  We will issue you a temporary handicap permit.
  • 的 first section on the first Tier to the stairs is “A” permit only. 一旦你通过了楼梯两边的排,它是“B”停车场.
  • 的re are designated motorcycle parking spaces. This is for motorcycle parking only, motorcycles are not permitted to park in any other to parking spaces.
  • 学生、教职员工不得以任何理由将车停在访客停车场. 的 visitor parking is for people coming to visit the campus.
  • 如果您的许可证丢失或被盗,请立即通知商务办事处更换.
  • 如果你持有已报失或被盗的许可证, you may lose parking privileges on campus for up to one year.  更改或复制停车许可证将导致罚款和/或吊销最多一学年的停车特权.
  • 你可提交 上诉 for parking tickets you believe you received unfairly.  的 上诉 must be filed within 30 days from the date of the ticket.  If you receive more than two tickets, 您的车辆可能会被启动,直到您的罚款支付才会被释放.  如果你驾驶的车辆没有登记在你名下,同样适用, or you have out of state plates.
  • If you are a third party pay such as Voc. 康复:在我的MTech上填写信息以获得停车贴,最后选择在办公室付款. 打电话或去商务办公室,通知他们第三方正在支付你的贴花.
  • Parking permits are issued to one person only. 你不能与你的室友,重要的人,和/或朋友分享你的许可证. 
  • 靠近残障人士停车位的区域仅供轮椅使用.  的se are not additional parking spaces.  如果你把车停在这些地方,你会被罚款100美元.00.

Full Year Parking Permit Prices

  • 悬挂许可证:$105.00 /年
  • 摩托车许可证:$25.00

January/Spring Parking Permit Prices

  • 悬挂许可证:55美元.00
  • 摩托车许可证:$25.00


  • 停车罚款:45美元.00
  • Handicap parking fines: $100.00


的 城市公共汽车 does not charge anyone to ride the bus.  公共汽车在半小时到达公园街,在地铁前面,一小时到达高地学院.  You can get the Bus routes on




  1. MyMtech link at the top of the Montana Tech website
  2. 转“重要连结”
  3. Scroll down and click on parking decal
  4. 验证您的地址
  5. Select the type of decal you are purchasing.
    1. D decals are for students living in the dorms.
    2. B decals are for students not living in the dorms.
    3. A decals are for 教师/工作人员
  6. 点击确认
  7. 向下滚动到底部,选中您了解这些策略的复选框
  8. Select Pay with a Credit Card
  9. 如果是3rd 政党赞助者支付你的贴花,或者你在办公室支付,选择“在办公室支付”.”
  10. Pick up decal in the 业务办公室 (SSC 3.127)

如果您对购买贴花有任何疑问,请致电商务办公室 406-496-4250 或发邮件至

请填写 停车申诉表格 及电邮至商界 or turn it into the 业务办公室. 的 上诉 will be submitted to the Parking committee. 停车委员会在作出决定后会与您联系.

Please contact the business office at 406-496-4250.

Please contact the business office at 406-496-4250.

Please contact the business office at 406-496-4250.

看看这张地图. 如果您对停车地点有任何疑问,请与商务办公室联系 406-496-4250.


